I generally don’t watch many surf videos on youtube. Definitely no vlogs. I’ve previously explained how I feel there is already too much surfing to get my eyes on, specifically on Instagram. Every clip hits the internet before the surfers get their hair dry, and you scroll through it within a day. What’s the point […]

coffee convo Hwilsin writing


Surfers are negative. Let me give you an example. Your buddy sends you a text around noon, “Just got out of the water, it’s pumping. Got a few solid barrels.” What’s your immediate reaction? Do you believe them?  You may be like me, in that you are much quicker to take someone’s word when they […]

coffee convo Hwilsin writing


Two stories have been crossing my face more often than not this past week. I guess if I’m going to attempt to bring you this website that is (mostly) surf related, I might as well give you “the news” as well. It’s funny the way these things work in the surfing world. One source will […]

coffee convo Hwilsin tour talk writing WSL


Well, I guess right back to the contest writing. I know it’s a bit redundant, but it’s something I am passionate about. Regardless of location, swell, conditions, surfers, board type, or anything else, I will tune into a live surf contest to watch if given the opportunity. There’s a pro junior going on in Japan […]

coffee convo Hwilsin writing


I’ve been in the water a lot recently. It’s been nice. Last week I had two familiar encounters that brought me back to a headspace I hadn’t been in for quite some time. The first situation took place on Wednesday. A small, yet fun day out at the pier. Not too packed in comparison to […]

coffee convo Hwilsin writing


Did you all see this one yet?  Nominee for burn of the year right? Well apparently we’ve missed the back story – we didn’t see any of the paddle, nor did we see either surfer get to their feet. Nonetheless, a scroll through the posts comment section might give you some background info. Mid 40’s […]

coffee convo Hwilsin writing


With this Mondo swell in town (guess where), I have been checking a lot of various surf breaks via one of surfing’s greatest technological advancements that is Surfline. Amidst my browsing, I started noticing how curious the names of waves are. Some are very elementary, forthright, while others leave behind giant question marks. We have […]

Hwilsin Photos writing

Surf Amp

For me, a great surf photo or surf video will be something that makes me want to surf. Obviously, right? But, it needs a little bit more than that. It needs some emotion behind it. I’m not talking about the headline story, the image front and center of a photo either. I want the photo […]