Hwilsin Photos writing

Surf Amp

For me, a great surf photo or surf video will be something that makes me want to surf. Obviously, right? But, it needs a little bit more than that. It needs some emotion behind it. I’m not talking about the headline story, the image front and center of a photo either. I want the photo to make me interpret it. Or better yet, the photo to interpret me. Tell me what you are, but make me find out for myself. Sometimes there is not much to a photo(in plain sight), yet I can sit and view such art for an undistinguished amount of time, so long as I am not bothered. 

This is what I try to do with any photos I take directly of, or around the ocean. I want to be able to look back at my pictures remembering that exact moment, but seeing something new every time. I also am a big fan of being struck by a photo right away. If I can send a friend or two a photo of some local waves, and receive some expletives in response, I feel that I took a decent shot.

-*insert photo*


My next step is to learn how to actually photograph, so hopefully these flicks can start coming out better. Until then, I will be pointing and shooting around. Hope you enjoy these photos from the past month or so. Click below.



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