coffee convo Hwilsin writing


I don’t know if you know this, but I like to think I am a little bit educated on surfboards. Just slightly.  I feel like I know more than your average guy who surfs, but less than anyone who has ever worked on a surfboard. I used to be naive – I thought I knew […]

coffee convo Hwilsin tour talk writing WSL


Portugal is a tough event to watch live if you reside in the United States. Starting around midnight, the day is usually wrapping up around the time I’m getting ready for a surf here on the West Coast. That is bad news for my fantasy team. I like to look at the man-on-man matchups and […]

coffee convo Hwilsin writing


Surfers are negative. Let me give you an example. Your buddy sends you a text around noon, “Just got out of the water, it’s pumping. Got a few solid barrels.” What’s your immediate reaction? Do you believe them?  You may be like me, in that you are much quicker to take someone’s word when they […]

coffee convo Hwilsin writing


I am closing in on my goal of 100 days surfing for the year. Currently sitting at 96, I’m sure to break this within the next 2 weeks. (2 weeks for 4 days? I know. That’s fucked. I’ve got work, and I generally don’t surf on the weekends. Give me a break. Only 3 days […]

coffee convo Hwilsin writing


Do you know what helps traffic move a lot quicker? If you weave back and forth between lanes, and drive as close as possible to the car in front of you.  The Southern California freeways are an absolute shit show around the holidays. I just got home. I went just over 125 miles away to […]

coffee convo Hwilsin writing


The more often I surf, the more I realize that accessories are a commodity for the committed. For example, if I have 20 ties, but I only wear my suit once a month, that’s a bit of a waste right? Right. Since I’m in the water a lot nowadays, here’s a list of accessories I […]

coffee convo Hwilsin writing


Two stories have been crossing my face more often than not this past week. I guess if I’m going to attempt to bring you this website that is (mostly) surf related, I might as well give you “the news” as well. It’s funny the way these things work in the surfing world. One source will […]

coffee convo Hwilsin writing


It’s 5:30pm, and I just took the wax off my board without any sun on it. Haven’t done that in quite a while. It is indeed fall.  I couldn’t get all the wax off. Too many pressure dings all over. Wax combs can’t quite hit all the spots it needs to. A razor blade works […]

coffee convo Hwilsin writing


Growing up in a prominent surf town, I’ve always had the privilege of being surrounded by some great surf shops. Most of the shops that are still around are so because they do well; they are busy. And if you ever have the chance to visit one of these distinguished stores, you might notice how […]

coffee convo Hwilsin writing


This post is going to be an absolute mess, and I already know it. There’s nothing particular being said at all. This is your warning, if you don’t feel like wasting a couple minutes of your life, go ahead and click on out of here.. I don’t really have much to say. What’s on my […]