coffee convo Hwilsin tour talk writing WSL


I often see Brett Simpson out surfing at home and I’ll think to myself; fuck – this dude could still be on Tour. He absolutely rips, and that’s obviously a huge part of it, but also, surfing was so much better 14 years ago. Although he lost in this particular heat, this 7.70 would still […]

coffee convo Hwilsin tour talk writing WSL


Objective – based on facts. Subjective – based on opinions, feelings, or emotions. There are no facts about competitive surfing. Every wave ridden is judged and attributed a score in comparison to the last wave ridden. The first wave of the day, or even the first wave of the entire event, is going to be […]

coffee convo Hwilsin writing


You see those two guys over there? Yeah. They’re speaking some kind of weird language. It’s probably Portuguese. A lot of Brazilians have moved here recently. It’s not that. I’d recognize it. Something different. See? You hear that? Definitely never heard that before. Huh. Yeah. I don’t understand it. Kinda sounds like some made up […]

coffee convo Hwilsin tour talk writing WSL


If you know me, or if you’ve read any of my work before, you know how much I would love to throw fuel on the bonfire that is the public scrutiny of the WSL right now. A couple of questionable judging calls have ignited the flame. Instead, I would like to take this opportunity to […]

coffee convo Hwilsin writing


I surfed Southside yesterday. It was Thursday the 21st of March, 2024.  It’s funny how bad Surfline is with their forecasts now. The day before (Wednesday) on the camera’s it said 3-4 feet. Thursday (yesterday) was forecasted to be smaller at 2-3 feet. This was not the case at all. On Wednesday, I caught a […]

coffee convo Hwilsin writing


Surfing involves a lot of science. Physics, chemistry, oceanology, you remember those, don’t you? You may not need to be educated in the field of science to paddle out and have some fun at your local, but you will need a little information if you plan to do any kind of work on a surfboard. […]

coffee convo Hwilsin writing


I don’t know if you know this, but I like to think I am a little bit educated on surfboards. Just slightly.  I feel like I know more than your average guy who surfs, but less than anyone who has ever worked on a surfboard. I used to be naive – I thought I knew […]

coffee convo Hwilsin tour talk writing WSL


Portugal is a tough event to watch live if you reside in the United States. Starting around midnight, the day is usually wrapping up around the time I’m getting ready for a surf here on the West Coast. That is bad news for my fantasy team. I like to look at the man-on-man matchups and […]

coffee convo Hwilsin writing


ATMOSPHERIC RIVER Just recently was the first time I had ever heard that phrase in my life. It was no joke though. Relative to Southern California, we did see a lot of rain. It kept me out of the water for about a month. I’m back now, which brings me here. I debated breaking my […]

coffee convo Hwilsin writing


Surfers are negative. Let me give you an example. Your buddy sends you a text around noon, “Just got out of the water, it’s pumping. Got a few solid barrels.” What’s your immediate reaction? Do you believe them?  You may be like me, in that you are much quicker to take someone’s word when they […]