What the hell happened at Bells? Why did it just blow over like a dandelion? Was this all plotted by the Whistle to make headlines and draw intrigue into Make Or Break season 2? Shout out to my friend J. Patrick Stublen for introducing me to this theory.. Here’s a collection of thoughts, featuring some […]
Category: Hwilsin
Behold, the new movie with the most hype since Snapt4, and the only other video we have linked since then. Crane Brain. Enjoy. -hwilsin.
Would you rather surf by yourself, or with a friend/group? This goes for pretty much any activity or passion as well, snowboarding, skating, etc. What do you personally prefer? Which do you actually partake in more, single or together? Certain circumstances I understand almost a necessity for being cooperative, say, surfing a cranking swell on […]
Well, I guess I should say something. We have now approached the most anticipated, and most talked about moment of the year thus far. The cut. I previously misinterpreted the meaning of ‘moving day’ in golf, hence the title of this post, but we are sticking with it anyway. I thought that moving day was […]
The Dark Side
Is there tension in the surfboard shaping atmosphere? Maybe tension is the wrong verbiage, and I don’t want to say drama either, but there seems to be some perceived – unease in the air. Possibly some agitation that has been slow-going for years now? Here’s what I got for you. Britt Merrick was just documented […]
Crowd Control
One of my friends finally sent me their Stab Premium log-in info. I’ve got to say, after spending the weekend getting drunk and browsing the premium content, I am pretty impressed. Really solid stuff over there. I am going to have to make the purchase myself to support, cause I dig it. After watching this […]
See what happens? I finally release my surf sin into the world about burning Griff, he gets a huge win in Portugal. Truly unsure if I still need that penance, boys. And you’re welcome, grom. To the blind eye, there were moments of perfection out there during this contest. By ‘the blind eye’, I am […]
Well folks, here we go again. After what was dubbed the best Pipe contest to ever go down, some people loved Sunset as a CT event, and some weren’t sold. Personally, I didn’t mind it. I especially liked to see the women out there charging. I prefer a contest out there over that beachbreak in […]
My Surf Sin
Everyone sins. This is common knowledge. Sinning doesn’t determine whether you’re a good or bad person. Recognizing that you have sinned, and consequently working to correct your mistake is what is important. Sins happen everywhere. Anywhere. All the time. At work, at home, at dinner, in the car, on vacation, etc. etc. If you are […]
“The best is yet to come and babe, won’t it be fine?” Frank Sinatra’s famous melody rang through my ears this morning while rewatching John John and Joao Chianca’s R16 heat. It’s impossible to say, but I would not put money down that we’ll see better waves this year on tour than the opening 4 […]