Did you all see this one yet?
Nominee for burn of the year right? Well apparently we’ve missed the back story – we didn’t see any of the paddle, nor did we see either surfer get to their feet. Nonetheless, a scroll through the posts comment section might give you some background info.

Mid 40’s unknown male, brightly orange colored wetsuit, stickered up board, acts like surfing has given him anything at all in life; typical Huntington Beach suspect. The guy is a knockoff Tom Rezvan. Could be me in 10 years. And how about his response?

Seems like Mr. Mebust is backing himself and doesn’t need any of the keyboard warriors bullshit. I never knew Huntington Beach had so many (internet) anonymous faces in the day-to-day lineup. I have my thoughts about this situation, but I’ll hold them at bay for now. Just sharing the news. Journalism, right? What do you think?