coffee convo Hwilsin tour talk writing WSL


What the hell happened at Bells? Why did it just blow over like a dandelion? Was this all plotted by the Whistle to make headlines and draw intrigue into Make Or Break season 2? Shout out to my friend J. Patrick Stublen for introducing me to this theory.. Here’s a collection of thoughts, featuring some […]

Hwilsin tour talk writing WSL


Well, I guess I should say something. We have now approached the most anticipated, and most talked about moment of the year thus far.  The cut.  I previously misinterpreted the meaning of ‘moving day’ in golf, hence the title of this post, but we are sticking with it anyway. I thought that moving day was […]

Hwilsin tour talk writing WSL


Well folks, here we go again. After what was dubbed the best Pipe contest to ever go down, some people loved Sunset as a CT event, and some weren’t sold. Personally, I didn’t mind it. I especially liked to see the women out there charging. I prefer a contest out there over that beachbreak in […]