Mick writing

Fish Outta Water

Editors Note: Listen to me. Once you get done reading this, don’t be mad at me. But, I did hold this from you all for a little bit. I have been sitting on this piece here from our own Beloved Mick, kinda just waiting on the right time to post it. Well slap my ass […]

coffee convo Hwilsin writing


To the 5 or 6 people that have visited this site more than once, I owe you an apology. If you have read the blog posts, you might have noticed in the “Why Do You Surf” piece that I was working on a small little investigation, a trial of sorts, to try to find some […]

coffee convo Mick writing

Why I Surf – Mick

Editors note: I am charged up to introduce to you all one of my best friends, Mick. I am beyond stoked to be able to give him that title, and I have learned so much from this guy in the past few years. This is one feller you want to bring along with you for […]

coffee convo writing

3 Day Lot Rule

I was recently exposed to a bitter suggestion from a local around my parts that I would like to share with you. Actually, it was at least a year ago, possibly longer, and at the time I definitely just laughed off the proposition. He’s quite the talker – almost any time I run into him […]

coffee convo writing

Why Do You Surf?

“Try to explain color to a blind person, & try to explain surfing to someone who’s never surfed.” Dave Rastovich This question seems straightforward enough – what makes you paddle out in the morning? I see a lot of people in the water that I really want to ask this question to.  I feel like […]

coffee convo writing

So… Whats Next?

“Unprecedented Times” This phrase has never been thrown around more so than in the past month. Just go to your email inbox, type it into the search box and re-read how many times you’ve been hit with that phrase, coupled with something along the lines of, “we’re here for you/we’ll get through this together.” I […]

coffee convo writing

A Quick Word on Corona Virus

If I have to read one more “we’re in this together,” I am going to lose my shit. What bothers me the most is everyone bitching about others. Specifically, surfers or surf companies complaining about the general public going surfing. I totally understand and realize “It’s not about you, it’s about us.” I understand that […]