Fourteen. Thats how many heats remain in the Hurley Pro Sunset Beach after the Women’s Round of 16 ran yesterday – much to the dismay of the internet. At least the portion of the internet that is the Woz’s IG comment section. This isn’t a Beachgrit article, so I won’t be directly quoting from that comment board, but feel free to look at the Wiz’s post announcing “IT’S ON” yesterday. You’ll see what I mean. After this contest is over, I have some thoughts to address these complaints.
I will admit, however, the criticism is warranted. The waves the ladies saw were pretty brutal. 8 heats, the entirety of the Round of 16, ran yesterday in what could only be described as strenuous conditions. I don’t have an exact solution, but the whining and bellyaching is getting old.
If you didn’t tune in today (I don’t blame you) this is a quick recap.
HEAT 1 – Brisa Hennessy vs. Sally Fitzgibbons
It was apparent from wave 1 that it would be a tough watch for the average spectator, at least in comparison to the Day 3, or even Day 1. Sally got out to an early lead, but last year’s event champion stole it from her before the second heat joined them in the water. Sal, needing a 2.81, sat with priority for 11 minutes before finally pulling the trigger on a one turn wave. The last 8 minutes of the heat saw back and forth flurries, and lead changes. Sally got it off Brisa, who then took it back in the last two minutes. Brisa found the pocket, which seemed to be key to breaking a score up near the ‘good’ range (5 through 6.4). At the very end of the heat, Sally needed a 4.5. The audience waited after the horn to finally hear the news of Brisa advancing. Close one.
HEAT 2 – Molly Picklum vs. Isabella Nichols
Molly figured out what the judges were looking for early. Her first wave she got an even 5 point ride for one nice sharp turn right in the pocket. It seemed the judges would rather see one of those than 4 wraps all the way through. Isabella was also rewarded for one dynamic turn with a 5.5, though she did get a little carve to follow it up. Isabella held the lead for about 20 minutes, and Molly would need a 4.84 on her last ditch effort with under 2 minutes remaining. One strong carve, some busy work, and then the ever important steep section provided for her, and she whacked it. She proceeds to pump and ride this thing out all the way to the inside, even forcing a couple of turns on her backhand when the wave reformed into a left. Directly behind her, we see in the background Isabella get one of the bigger, steeper set waves for one turn – a lip line hit with an air drop back in. Time runs out and we wait for scores with zeros on the clock. Molly’s comes in at 6.10. Isabella needs a 5.61, and it runs just short at 5.30. Still a hefty score for one maneuver. Molly gets her second heat win over fellow Australian Isabella Nichols.

HEAT 3 – Stephanie Gilmore vs. Zoe McDougall
I felt like the wildcard Zoe surfed a really solid heat. She looked like she knew exactly what she was looking for; she had really nice wave selection. Steph was on the ropes with just over 8 minutes remaining when she finally found a wave that gave her some offerings – a nice wrap, a lip line hit, and a closeout cutback in the pocket for a 6.67 to finally take the lead. Zoe would now need something near the highest wave of the heat, a 6.58. With under a minute on the clock, McDougall finds a wave that would not have the full scoring potential on it, though she surfed it well for an even 5. Right behind Steph gets the best wave of the heat, a 7.50, and rolls on through.

HEAT 4 – Tyler Wright vs. Macy Callaghan
Bit of a slow heat, I think both these girls were surfing up the point a bit. They looked pretty deep on most of the waves they took off on. Macy led the entire heat with an early 3 point ride, then a 3.67 under priority of the previous heat. Tyler didn’t take the lead until it mattered – until her very last wave she took off on with a minute and a half of the ticker. She needed a 3.01. A nice wrap, into an extremely shaky closeout hit. She fought hard to ride out of this thing. 3.13, and a heat winner, Tyler Wright squeaks it out in the dying minutes.
HEAT 5 – Carissa Moore vs. Luana Silva
Both of these girls got off to nice starts on some open faced waves. A 4.5 for Carissa, and a 4 for Luana. Even though the critical, in the pocket turns were paying out, the two of these ladies caught some fun looking runners with multiple wraps and turns. Carissa got the better of every exchange and cruises by.

HEAT 6 – Lakey Peterson vs. Gabriela Bryan
These two got really busy under priority, then slowed down once they took over as the main heat. While it looked like Lakey was searching for the tighter pocket turns, Gabby Bryan was comfortable leaning into her power turns. Gabby led for pretty much the entire heat, at first on virtue of two waves as Lakey had the higher score. Bryan’s last wave was the highest of the heat, a 5.50 that would increase her scoreline and send her to the QF’s.
HEAT 7 – Tatiana Weston-Webb vs. Caitlin Simmers
Pretty interesting heat on paper. Opposite stances and clashing styles, both surfing and personality wise. Tati got off to a torrid start grabbing both waves she would keep in her scoreline, as well as 5 others, all in the first 20 minutes of the heat under priority. Her second wave, an even 4 point ride, looked like she might have a pretty solid read on what she was looking for. She had about 3 wraps and 2 nice lip hits. A bit underscored for me, but maybe it was the wave itself, which didn’t stand up too much. Her second wave that was kept in the scoreline did offer a couple of better sections, though she might have mistimed the turns a little bit. Caity Simmers only caught 3 waves, but that happened to be enough. Her waves and turns looked like they held a bit more power in them. Tati had priority when Caity snuck in her second keeper wave. Caity takes the lead with just under 10 minutes left, and Tati needs a 4.97 to (tie?) advance. She had one last effort, a check turn and two wraps before the wave fizzled out. Not enough, and Simmers moves on.

HEAT 8 – Bettylou Sakura Johnson vs. Caroline Marks
It’s pretty cool watching this new generation of females coming up and improving at this rapid rate. I can imagine these two having quite a few matchups in the near future. Bettylou got off to a solid start with a 3.5 and a 4.43. The only goofy remaining in the draw at this point looked really sharp in response. Caroline found a nice section to throw her board up vertically into, showing precision and power for an even 5. Marks took the lead about 5 minutes before taking over priority on a smaller insider which she ripped off about 7 wraps on. Bettylou sat with priority for a while before she pulled the trigger on a smaller, messy wave that didn’t give her the scoring potential she needed. She surfed it well and had a sick little layback to close it out, but it would not be enough. Especially when Caroline goes on a wave behind her and smashes the best wave of the heat for this even 7. Bettylou would need a 7.57, but she could not find a wave she thought would give her the score. Caroline becomes the only goofy in the Quarters.
HEAT 1 – Brisa Hennessy vs. Molly Picklum
HEAT 2 – Stephanie Gilmore vs. Tyler Wright
HEAT 3 – Carissa Moore vs. Gabriela Bryan
HEAT 4 – Caity Simmers vs. Caroline Marks
I would not bet on any of these QF matchups, I think every one of them could go either way. I feel like the event is up in the air. If I had to, maybe I would take last year’s event winner Brisa Hennessy.

The forecast that the Wiz shares of course says 4-6 with offshores tomorrow, but I think we all know what that means. Since there is no Super Bowl to contend with, I am hoping they run tomorrow. Just get it over with. If the waves are going to be shit anyways, just finish the damn thing. We’ll see what happens. Enjoy your Saturday.