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I have previously made mention that I listen to a lot of surf related podcasts. This past month has had quite a few remarkable listens, none more-so than this episode of the Late Night with Choccy podcast. 

One of my favorite things about this entire podcast series is the complete inclusion of anyone who is even remotely related to surfing. You don’t have to be a former CT surfer nor an industry heavyweight to get the call, though they do play host to an illustrious group of invitees who revolve around the surf world. From the G.O.A.T himself, to ELO, to Herbie Fletcher, the archives of this duo’s work is something to marvel at. 

For this particular episode, we are along for the ride to hear one of the most unique, unpredictable, and riveting stories I truly have ever had the pleasure of tuning into. Designer, musician, entrepreneur, artist, and of course Surfer, Steve ‘Crabby’ Cabler shares some of his breathtaking life experiences with the boys. 

Steve ‘ CRABBY’ Cabler

By far this is one of the longer podcasts I have listened to, so break it up into multiple sessions if you must. Personally, I binged the entire thing in one day, albeit in two separate sittings. Once I reached just over the hour mark, I could not turn it off. 

Great work from Lyndon and JayLar as always. A pleasure to hear from and learn about Crabby. A sincerely memorable podcast, I recommend everyone give some of their time to this great conversation.

Click this link above.



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